CALXYL® Paste Syringe
Calcium hydroxide paste in a dosing syringe, unsurpassed for endodontic treatment and temporary root filling. Highest content in active substance (pH > 12,6). Internationally recognised pulp protector for capping and preserving vitality of artificially infected pulps. Optimum protection against reinfection. Supports apexification in teeth with incomplete root development. Range of application: protection of caries-free dentine close to the pulp, treatment of caries profunda, indirect pulp capping, direct pulp capping, pulp amputation, temporary filling of the root canal.
Pulp exposure in carious dentine. Pulp inflammation.
For endodontic treatment, especially pulp amputation.
Commercial quantity:
Original package: 3,0 g syringe, with 5 one-way canulas
red = normal
blue = radiopaque additive
Calxyl® radiopaque additive