Inoramtions for patient

Healthy teeth for a radiant smile.

We are born with our teeth. At the time of our birth they are however still hidden in our jaws. Just after we cut our first teeth they are already open to numerous dangers. You can only protect your teeth against these dangers by life-long prophylactic care, a sensible diet and regular visits to the dentist.

The main causes for our dental problems are caries and paradontosis.

Caries, dental decay, starts with the decalcifying destruction of the enamel. If it is not treated, the harm caused increases. Finally the pulp of the tooth, (the nerve), becomes infected in the pulpa socket. This results in a bad toothache. Causes of caries are primarily bacteria and the fermentation processes in the plaque. The food we eat plays a major role here. Carbohydrates promote caries the worst offenders being foods and drinks containing sugar as well as sweets. They form a good feeding ground for bacteria and support the fermentation processes.

Dentists call the system of dental cement, periodontal

membrane and adjacent jaw bone the periodontium. If this system becomes diseased teeth can fall out prematurely. It all begins with the edge of the gums becoming infected a condition called “gingivitis“. In the advanced stage the jawbone wastes away and gingival pockets form. The gums recede so that the dental shell is exposed. The tooth appears longer, eventually becomes loose and falls out. The main case for this gingivitis is plaque which provides a home for bacteria. Due to calcification of the plaque tartar is formed.

Dental care is the key to healthy teeth.

Only through daily oral hygiene practised correctly can plaque be avoided. Ideally you should clean your teeth after every meal. Toothpaste contains fine cleansing agents which support the mechanical effects of your toothbrush. Electrical toothbrush or traditional toothbrush? You can clean your teeth well with both types of toothbrush. Electrical toothbrushes clean your teeth faster and by displaying the time you brush, they are an effective method of ensuring you clean your teeth long enough. No matter which type of brush you choose you should have your dentist show you how to floss.

Your diet plays a major role.

Soft meals and non-crusty baked goods are not a great challenge for our teeth. Our teeth are there to bite. Children should already be regularly fed raw fruit and vegetables and wholemeal bread. Sweets are very popular with many people but they are poison for our teeth as they promote the formation of plaque and thus the growth of bacteria.

The famous apple a day is of course no replacement for the toothbrush. Just like everything which has to be chewed it does however contribute to keeping your teeth clean to a certain degree.

Visit your dentist at least twice a year.

Even if you have a most stringent oral hygiene programme plaque is still formed on difficult to access places, in particular in the gaps between your teeth. This plaque can only be removed by a dentist.

It is therefore strongly recommended that you visit your dentist at least twice a year.

Correct dental hygiene:

Sweets and left-over food which get stuck between your teeth are the ideal breeding ground for bacteria which attack the enamel resulting in caries. Thorough dental hygiene and chewing protects against periodontosis.